Retirement & Benefits Solutions
Actuarial valuations
Retirement & benefits
In Asia, we work on a range of retirement and benefits matters, including actuarial valuations, retirement strategy and design, investment strategy, employee benefits design and management, health and well-being and multi-country benefits coordination.
Actuarial valuations
We assist with actuarial valuations for accounting purposes of retirement and other long-term benefit plans, including under FRS 19, SB-FRS 19, IAS 19 and ASC 715. We also perform valuations of share-based plans under FRS 102. We undertake funding valuations and actuarial certification for IRAS-approved Section 5 plans. We also assist with funding reviews for civil service schemes, social security plans and other benefits.
Milliman actuarial valuations insight
Thailand: New mortality assumptions for long-term EB accounting
This update provides commentary on the introduction of new mortality tables, compares them to previous ones, and estimates the likely impact on companies’ balance sheet liabilities and profit or loss costs for post-retirement benefits.